Act2Change is pleased to offer Telehealth services to clients throughout the state of Georgia and South Carolina. Telehealth allows you to receive the same quality care you are provided in the office, all from the comfort of your home or private office space. The only thing you need is a secure internet connection! We use the latest HIPAA compliant technologies to ensure a secure and comfortable experience. All our therapists have received training on the best-practices in Telehealth.

Telehealth sessions are a great option for clients who may live or work far from our office. We understand that the hectic Atlanta traffic and overall commute can cause additional stress for many clients, making it difficult to regularly attend sessions. Telehealth can serve as a way to access quality care, especially when time and travel have been inhibitors to making the commitment to start services. To ensure that Telehealth is the best option for your specific needs, your therapist will conduct an initial screening to ensure that it is clinically appropriate to meet virtually.

Our Approach to COVID-19

As a social justice driven practice, we are deeply invested in the betterment of our community. We have been closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and our practice is taking actionable steps to help reduce the spread of the virus. It is for this reason that our therapists have collectively made the choice to only provide Telehealth services for the foreseeable future. Telehealth allows our therapists to continue meeting with clients in the safest way possible, while also ensuring that no one’s health is compromised by making a trip to our office. We believe that it is our duty to reduce harm to our clients by utilizing the safest alternatives available. Given our extensive training in technology-assisted therapies, we are confident that our clients will have a pleasant experience that does not feel like a lesser alternative to in-office sessions.

Please note: for clients who may be utilizing seeking reimbursement from your insurance company, we encourage you to speak with member services directly to confirm that your specific policy includes Telehealth benefits. We cannot guarantee that sessions will be covered by your plan. Please speak with your Act2Change therapist directly if you have any questions.